Getting back up on the horse

Its working. I'm back on the writing horse again, thanks in large part to the encouraging suggestions of Notorious (thank you!). This morning, I deleted as many words (in a separate part of the document) as I wrote, so the ultimate word count is zero but I made good progress today, clarifying a cloudy point in the monumental manuscript over a few paragraphs. And, best of all, I'm excited about this paper again! Let's hope this trend continues and I can give the mentor a draft before October is out.


Lan said...

I've found getting the motivation to write gets harder and harder as you progress further in the Academy. And I'm an English grad student no less. I sympathize and wish you the best of luck. :)

Bookbag said...

Hooray for getting excited again! Sounds like you've got the writer's block licked.

AliceAcademic said...

Thanks for the support. I am feeling more on track now.