The 'eve report

Presents have been wrapped, dinners eaten, alcohol consumed and now my family has all gone to bed. I'm sitting by the fire feeling the kind of content that I've usually only felt when I've been in a relationship. I actually feel like things ending with the Mad Hatter are making me appreciate myself more. I'm pretty happy with my life. I don't really "need" a guy. This is a bit of a revelation to me, though it shouldn't be. I guess some things make more sense when school is out and your body gets a chance to relax and catch up with life. O.K. I'll stop drunk blogging now and go to bed.


Seeking Solace said...

Happy Christmas!

Unbalanced Reaction said...

So you were "drogging"? Nice! Merry Christmas!

AliceAcademic said...

Merry Christmas! "Drogging" is my new favorite word for 2009.