What is it about finishing things that makes me sick?

I am catching a cold or some bug. Is it because I stayed up until 1am working out the OutWestJob materials? I haven't done an all-nighter in a very long time, and even staying up until 1am is pretty late for me. I don't know what it is but I always got sick in college right after I turned in my last paper, and, yes, I got sick right after comps in grad school, probably at the end of every semester, too, not that I want to try to remember. This job app. would probably have been less major if I had applied for other academic jobs before, but aside from the Postdoc that awaits me when I finish my diss. revisions, this is the first TT job I have applied for. Ever. It felt good. I mean, I know that this is what I have been doing the whole PhD for and everything but somehow part of me is surprised that I am even an applicant for a job as an assistant professor.

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